Oral Surgery Expert Witness
Dr. Kotikian has dedicated his professional career to oral health. A board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Kotikian has expertise in a variety of areas including complications associated with extraction of teeth, dental implants, oral and maxillofacial infections, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, nerve injuries, oral pathology/oncology, facial trauma (including all facial fractures and lacerations), dental anesthesia complications, dental malpractice, dental law, case evaluations, case reviews, court testimony, and depositions.
Dr. Kotikian has been retained as an expert witness on close to 100 cases, given over 50 depositions, testified at court, and has done arbitration for a wide variety of cases associated with the oral and maxillofacial region and dentistry. Dr. Kotikian’s has experience as a witness for both defense and plaintiff sides.
Dr. Kotikian lectures at the national and international level on a regular basis. He has been featured on CNN Headline News, ABC News, CBS/KCAL News, The Diane Sawyer Nightly News and have been featured in many newspapers (LA Times, Chicago Tribune…) for work that he has done in the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Dr. Kotikian is highly experienced in helping legal professionals in evaluating and determining whether dental malpractice has been committed, and is available to assist in preparation and presentation of the dental malpractice cases. He has eight years of private practice practice as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and over six years of experience as an expert witness in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery and dentistry make Dr. Kotikian eminently qualified as a highly suitable for a variety of dental malpractice cases. For a detailed outline of Dr. Kotikian’s experience and qualifications, please see the Curriculum Vitae page.
Free Initial Consultation
Dr. Kotikian provides a free initial consultation to help evaluate the viability of the case, and familiarize himself with the details of the questions at hand. The initial consultation also helps familiarize clients with his personal touch which he brings to any engagement, and his deep understanding of not only medicine and in particular oral and maxillofacial health but also an acute understanding of legal requirements.